To inspire and involve!
We are one.
We are building a model which can be replicated on a smaller or larger scale on an international basis.
The debut model at the Forum, Norwich UK has already generated a phenomenal response and stimulating excitement. Already in place are innovative artworks, Dance expression workshops, creative healing workshops, performances, collaborations with school and community groups- and a collaboration with BBC Voices!
You are here reading this because you are already connected to your free spirit- isn't it time that you explored what your free spirit is capable of expressing?
Your participation can range from a poem, to a performance, to a meeting group- to a full blown festival in your home town!
Get in touch and talk to us to explore the potential of what can happen when we work together!
We are one.
We are building a model which can be replicated on a smaller or larger scale on an international basis.
The debut model at the Forum, Norwich UK has already generated a phenomenal response and stimulating excitement. Already in place are innovative artworks, Dance expression workshops, creative healing workshops, performances, collaborations with school and community groups- and a collaboration with BBC Voices!
You are here reading this because you are already connected to your free spirit- isn't it time that you explored what your free spirit is capable of expressing?
Your participation can range from a poem, to a performance, to a meeting group- to a full blown festival in your home town!
Get in touch and talk to us to explore the potential of what can happen when we work together!